ALMA Cycle 10 Statistics
The ALMA cycle 10 proposal submission statistics again saw some…

ALMA at 10 years: Past, Present, and Future
The ALMA partnership is organizing a conference to commemorate…

Lorentz Workshop: Tuning to the high frequency ALMA Universe
In the week of September 4-8, an ALMA-dedicated workshop will…

IAU I-HOW Radio Astronomy Workshop
A joint Iran and Türkıye radio astronomy workshop is set to…

New Allegro computing hardware
Allegro has purchased a new set of more powerful computing servers…

Science Highlight: All quiet at z=4.5
Standard galaxy formation models expect that young galaxies should…

First fringes for the ALMA Band-2 pre-production receivers
Over the next few years, ALMA will open up the 2.6-4.5 mm wavelength…

Postdoctoral Support Position at Allegro
Allegro, the Netherlands node of the European ALMA Regional Centre…
Leiden Observatory
PO Box 9513
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands