Cycle 5 Phase 2 deadline

The Cycle 5 Phase 2 deadline by which approved projects need to be submitted to the archive is anticipated to be Sept 7th 2017.

Users can delegate the submission of the Phase 2 material in case of unavailability. They can do so by selecting a delegee (for each project) in their user profile.

Guidelines to PIs will be made public in July.

You can find this announcement in the ALMA Science Portal.

Supplemental Call for Proposals to use the 7-m Array in Cycle 4

The ALMA Director announces that the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will accept observing proposals that request to use the 7-m Array in the remainder of Cycle 4, which ends on September 30, 2017. This proposal call enables the community to propose projects that will fill in undersubscribed regions of the observing queue for the 7-m Array. Up to 800 hours on the 7-m Array will be allocated through this opportunity.

For more details on this supplemental call please visit the ALMA Science Portal.

ALMA Cycle 5 Call for Proposals in now open

The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organizations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 5 Call for Proposals (CfP) for scientific observations to be scheduled from October 2017 to September 2018.

The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organizations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 5 Call for Proposals (CfP) for scientific observations to be scheduled from October 2017 to September 2018. It is anticipated that 4000 hours of the 12-m Array time and 3000 hours of the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) time, also known as the Morita Array, will be available for successful proposals from Principal Investigators (PIs) in Cycle 5. Proposals must be prepared and submitted using the ALMA Observing Tool (OT), which is available for download from the ALMA Science Portal ( Proposals will be assessed by competitive peer review by a single international review committee.

The ALMA Cycle 5 proposal submission opens at 15:00 UT on Tuesday, 21 March 2017.

The ALMA Cycle 5 proposal submission deadline is 15:00 UT on Thursday, 20 April 2017.

ALMA provides continuum and spectral line capabilities for wavelengths from 0.32 mm to 3.6 mm, and angular resolutions from 0.018” to 3.4” on the 12-m Array. Cycle 5 will bring to ALMA several new observational capabilities, including full polarization observations in Band 4, baselines out to 16 km and simultaneous observations between the 12-m and 7-m Arrays. Starting in March 2018, also as part of Cycle 5, ALMA will offer observations in Band 5 (proposals for the latter observations are due at the regular Cycle 5 submission deadline).

For comprehensive information of this Cycle 5 Call for Proposals please consult the ALMA science portal.

Special Session SS20 at EWASS – Prague, 26 – 30 June 2017

The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) Special Session No. 20, held on the first day (26 June) of the conference, will be devoted to the three particular modes of observing with ALMA that demonstrate the unique capabilities of the facility: High-Frequency Observations (specifically in Bands 8, 9 and 10); High-Angular-Resolution Observations with baslines up to 16 km; Solar Observations. Further details on the S220 site.

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Netherlands ALMA Community Day – March 2, 2017

Allegro, the European ALMA Regional Center node in the Netherlands, is organizing a science day on Thursday March 2, 2017, at Leiden Observatory. For those interested, ALMA data reduction training with CASA will be offered on Friday March 3.

Find more details below:

  • Description

  • Program
  • Participants
  • Directions



    This event will feature presentations on exciting recent results from ALMA by astronomers from the Allegro user community, the latest news from ALMA, and a plenary discussion on expectations and wishes for user support and any other ALMA-related topics. We will conclude the day with the Leiden Observatory General Astrophysics Colloquium that for the occasion of this workshop will have a special ALMA theme, and will be delivered by Dr. Mario Tafalla (OAN Madrid) on ‘ALMA observations of protostellar jets. Trying to understand the mechanism of outflow acceleration’.




    THU 02/03 (Morning session) Room HL 414

    Welcome & Update on ALMA Status

    Allegro and M.A. Zwaan (ESO ARC)


    Kiloparsec-scale dust disks in high-redshift luminous submillimeter galaxies

    J.A. Hodge


    Investigating the feeding of a baby radio galaxy

    F.M. Maccagni


    H2O and outflows in lensed high-z galaxies

    P. van der Werf


    Transitional disks with ALMA

    E.F. van Dishoeck


    THU 02/03 (Afternoon Session) Room HL 414

    ALMA observations of the fast molecular outflow in the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063

    T.A. Oosterloo


    The excitation mechanism for the molecular outflow in the nearby radio-loud Seyfert galaxy IC 5063

    J.B.R Oonk


    The Sun with ALMA

    R.J. Rutten


    Ingredients for planet formation: gas masses and g/d ratios of protoplanetary disks in Lupus

    A. Miotello


    Deuteration in the disk surrounding HD163296

    V. Salinas



    Brief update from ESAC/ASAC advisory bodies

    H.J. van Langevelde


    Open Discussion Time

    Colloquium De Sitter Zaal

    ALMA observations of protostellar jets. Trying to understand the mechanism of outflow acceleration

    M. Tafalla

    Program for the ALMA Data Reduction Training day can be found here.



    E.G. Bogelund
    L.A. Boogaard
    R.A. Burns
    M.T. Carney
    E.F. van Dishoeck
    C.J. Garcia Vergara
    A. Hacar
    J.A. Hodge
    U. Kavak
    H. van der Laan
    H.J. van Langevelde
    F.M. Maccagni
    C.F. Manara
    A. Miotello
    R. Morganti
    G.A. Muro Arena
    J.B.R. Oonk
    T.A. Oosterloo
    R.J. Rutten
    V. Salinas
    M. Tafalla
    S. van Terwisga
    L. Trapman
    L. Tychoniec
    P. Van der Werf
    M. Van ‘t Hoff
    M.H.D. van der Wiel
    P. Zhou
    M.A. Zwaan (ESO ARC)




    -Directions to Leiden Observatory

    Note that this is not the old Observatory in the center of Leiden.

    There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station, buses 43 (direction Den Haag) or bus 57 (direction Nieuw Vennep). These take around 7 minutes. Please see the link below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus.

    Instructions on how to get to Leiden Observatory, including transportation from Schiphol Airport, can be found here:
    And a site map can be found here:


    Note these specify the route to the Lorentz Center, which is in the forward leaning building in the photo. Leiden Observatory and Allegro offices are located on the 4th and 5th floor of that same building. The event will be held in the joining taller building – The Huygens building.

    -Directions inside the building:

    The event will be held on the 4th floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL 414. The Colloquium will be held in De Sitter Zaal in the Oort Building. Lunch will be provided in the canteen of the Gorlaeus Building.

    • Room HL-414 (Huygens Building):


    • Allegro offices (Oort Building):

Additional information for ALMA Cycle 5 proposals

Additional information for ALMA Cycle 5 proposals has been published today.
The announcement provides further information on:

1. Update on the availability of Band 5,
2. Reclassification of 16 km baselines as a standard mode,
3. Cycle 5 configuration schedule,
4. Information for preparing Large Programs.

You can read the full announcement at the following link:

Complete details will be provided in the Call for Proposals, which will be
released on the ALMA Science Portal on **March 21, 2017**.

To read this and other ALMA News visit this link to the Science portal:
ALMA News.

ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 5) in October 2017. A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 5 will be issued in March 2017, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2017. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 5 proposal call that are needed to plan proposals.

Details about the Cycle 5 Pre-announcenement can be found in the ALMA Science Portal.

ALMA Cycle 1 & 2 Summary Report

A detailed report on ALMA Cycles 1 & 2 is now available. The report details observing and completion statistics, data reduction and delivery, and publication statistics.

The document is available as PDF and can be downloaded via the ALMA Science Portal.

ALMA Band 5 Science Verification data release

A new installment of ALMA Science Verification data is available. This release contains data on the following Science Verification targets:
• Arp 220 spectral line observations in Band 5 (H2O, CS, HNC) with the 12-m Array
• SgrB2(N) spectral scan observations across most of the Band 5 tuning range with an hybrid 12m-7m array
• VY CMa spectral line polarization observations of SiO and water lines in Band 5 with the 12m array

Read more details in this link.

Image: The image shows one of the Band 5 receiver cartridges built for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) waiting to be integrated into the Front End at the OSF technical laboratories. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), N. Tabilo

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March 2-3, 2017: Netherlands ALMA Community Day & ALMA Data Reduction Training Day — Announcement

Allegro, the European ALMA Regional Center node in the Netherlands, is organizing a science day on Thursday March 2, 2017, at Leiden Observatory. This event will feature presentations on exciting recent results from ALMA by astronomers from the Allegro user community, the latest news from ALMA, and a plenary discussion on expectations and wishes for user support and any other ALMA-related topics. We will conclude the day with the Leiden Observatory General Astrophysics Colloquium that for the occasion of this workshop will have a special ALMA theme, and will be delivered by Dr. Mario Tafalla (OAN Madrid) on ‘ALMA observations of protostellar jets. Trying to understand the mechanism of outflow acceleration’.

You can register for the Netherlands Allegro ALMA Community Day 2017 following this link.

If you are interested in given a contributed talk (~20 min) on recent results from ALMA or any related topic, please indicate this on the registration page.

For those interested, ALMA data reduction training with CASA will be offered on Friday March 3 at Allegro. You can indicate your interest on the event registration page linked above.