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ALMA Data Reduction Training Day: January 26, 2021

Following the 4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day, we are organizing an ALMA Data Reduction Training Day on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, hosted online over Zoom. The training will begin at 10 AM and continue into the afternoon with a one-hour lunch break. Topics covered are: how to go from the archive to obtaining calibrated visibilities, calibration, imaging, self-calibration, and analysis tools. Throughout the remainder of that week, Allegro staff will be available to (remotely) work with you on exploring the capabilities of CASA on the Allegro computing system.

Program* January 26, 2021
10:00-10:05 Zoom connection opens
10:05-10:15 Welcome
10:15-11:00 Aida Ahmadi ALMA data: From the archive to calibrated visibilities
11:00-12:00 Katharina Immer Calibration
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-13:45 Ashley Bemis Imaging
13:45-14:15 Andrés Pérez-Sánchez Self-calibration
14:15-14:45 Alex Hygate Analysis Tools
14:45-15:00 Discussion – Q&A

* Note that this is a rough schedule as we plan to dedicate plenty of time for questions after each session.

Registered participants: (Last update 22-01-2021)

Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden Observatory
Violette Impellizzeri Leiden Observatory
Aida Ahmadi Leiden Observatory
Alex Hygate Leiden Observatory
Andrés Pérez-Sánchez Leiden Observatory
Ashley Bemis Leiden Observatory
Katharina Immer Leiden Observatory
Benoît Tabone Leiden Observatory
Yipeng Lyu Leiden Observatory
Pratik Dabhade Leiden Observatory
Simin Tong Leiden Observatory
Fernanda Roman de Oliveira University of Groningen
Ramlal Unnikrishnan Chalmers University of Technology
Dazhi Zhou Leiden Observatory
Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga Leiden Observatory
Joris Kersten Radboud University
Joshua Joseph Butterworth Leiden Observatory
Alice S. Booth Leiden Observatory
Ko-Yun (Monica) Huang Leiden Observatory
Matus Rybak Leiden Observatory
Jozsef Varga Leiden Observatory
Pooneh Nazari Leiden Observatory
Helga Denes ASTRON
Martijn van Gelder Leiden Observatory
Louise Lamblin Leiden Observatory
Vanesa Ramírez Leiden Observatory
Teymoor Saifollahi Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Daniele Aragão Ronso da Costa Lima Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Bayron Portilla Revelo Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Jakob van den Eijnden University of Oxford
Jurjen de Jong Leiden Observatory
Olga Bayandina Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC
Tomoko Suzuki Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Kirsty May Butler Leiden Observatory
Juliëtte Hilhorst Leiden Observatory
Pavel E. Mancera Piña ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Theodoros Topkaras Leiden Observatory
Ivana van Leeuwen Leiden Observatory
Teresa Paneque-Carreno ESO & Leiden Observatory
Margot Leemker Leiden Observatory
Nanna Kerlauge ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Di Wen Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Lucas Stapper Leiden Observatory

4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day: January 25, 2021

Allegro announces the 4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day, which will be held (online) on Monday, January 25, 2021. At this meeting, we will hear presentations of the latest scientific results obtained with ALMA by the Netherlands astronomical community. Special guest speakers include Rychard Bouwens (Leiden Observatory, on the REBELS Large Program), and Leen Decin (Leuven, on the Atomium Large Program – to be confirmed). We will also hear the latest updates on the status of ALMA and its return to science operations, and allow time to discuss user experiences and other ALMA related topics.

Following the Science Day, on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, introductory CASA training will be offered, again online (click here for more information). Throughout the remainder of that same week, Allegro staff will be available to (remotely) work with you on exploring the capabilities of CASA on the Allegro computing system.

Important dates:
– January 11, 2021: Deadline for registering to present a talk and registering to attend the CASA training.
– January 21, 2021: Deadline for registering to attend the Science Day talks.

Program January 25, 2021
12:30-12:35 Zoom connection opens
12:35-12:45 Welcome (Violette Impellizzeri)
12:45-13:15 Rychard Bouwens
(Invited Talk)
Probing the Most Massive ISM Reservoirs in the Early Universe with the REBELS ALMA Large Program
13:15-13:30 Alice S. Booth An inherited complex organic reservoir in a warm planet-hosting disk? First detection of methanol in a Herbig Ae/Be disk
13:30-13:45 Matus Rybak Full of Orions? Dissecting the extreme star-formation in the early Universe with ALMA
13:45-14:00 Pooneh Nazari Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars
14:00-14:20 Liz Humphreys Status of ALMA operations
14:20-14:35 Gergö Popping ALMA Cycle 8 2021
14:35-14:55 Discussion
14:55-15:05 Break
15:05-15:20 Huib Jan van Langevelde Status of The Event Horizon Telescope
15:20-15:35 Karina Caputi An ALMA galaxy signposting a MUSE galaxy group at z=4.3 behind El Gordo
15:35-15:50 Ardjan Sturm Tracing outer disk carbon depletion using [CI]
15:50-16:05 Raffaella Morganti Taking snapshots of the jet-ISM interplay with ALMA: the case of PKS 0023–26
16:05-16:20 Martijn van Gelder Modeling SO and SO2 in accretion shocks
16:20-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 Leen Decin
(Invited Talk)
Stellar and planetary companions shape the winds of evolved stars
17:00-17:15 Niels Ligterink Serpens SMM1-a: A primordial soup in space
17:15-17:30 Ko-Yun (Monica) Huang Characterizing the shock properties in NGC1068
17:30-17:45 Tomoko Suzuki Dust, gas, and metal content in star-forming galaxies at z~3.3
Closing remarks


Registered participants: (Last update 22-01-2021)

Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden Observatory
Violette Impellizzeri Leiden Observatory
Leen Decin KU Leuven
Rychard Bouwens Leiden Observatory
Aida Ahmadi Leiden Observatory
Alex Hygate Leiden Observatory
Andrés Pérez-Sánchez Leiden Observatory
Ashley Bemis Leiden Observatory
Katharina Immer Leiden Observatory
Elizabeth Humphreys ESO/JAO Chile
Gergö Popping European Southern Observatory
Huib Jan van Langevelde JIVE & Leiden Observatory
Benoît Tabone Leiden Observatory
Yipeng Lyu Leiden Observatory
Simon Gazagnes Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Giovanna Pugliese Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy – UvA
Pratik Dabhade Leiden Observatory
Felix Semler University of Groningen
Simin Tong Leiden Observatory
Fernanda Roman de Oliveira University of Groningen
Olga Bayandina Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC
Margot Leemker Leiden Observatory
Ramlal Unnikrishnan Chalmers University of Technology
Dazhi Zhou Leiden Observatory
Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga Leiden Observatory
Vincent Icke Leiden Observatory
Joris Kersten Radboud University
Joshua Joseph Butterworth Leiden Observatory
Alice S. Booth Leiden Observatory
Ko-Yun (Monica) Huang Leiden Observatory
Niels Ligterink Space Research & Planetary Sciences department, University of Bern
Saskia Matheussen NWO
Matus Rybak Leiden Observatory
Jozsef Varga Leiden Observatory
Pooneh Nazari Leiden Observatory
Ardjan Sturm Leiden Observatory
Helga Denes ASTRON
Martijn van Gelder Leiden Observatory
Cristina Garcia Leiden Observatory
Leindert Boogaard Leiden Observatory
Louise Lamblin Leiden Observatory
Núria Casasayas Barris Leiden Observatory
Alvaro Hacar University of Vienna, Austria
Areli Castrejon Aviles Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Vanesa Ramírez Leiden Observatory
Teymoor Saifollahi Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Daniele Aragão Ronso da Costa Lima Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Bayron Portilla Revelo Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Jakob van den Eijnden University of Oxford
Jurjen de Jong Leiden Observatory
Sarah Leslie Leiden Observatory
Karina Caputi Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Tom Oosterloo ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Tomoko Suzuki Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Raffaella Morganti ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Lingyu Wang SRON
Kirsty May Butler Leiden Observatory
Juliëtte Hilhorst Leiden Observatory
Pavel E. Mancera Piña ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Theodoros Topkaras Leiden Observatory
Per-Gunnar Valegard Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy – UvA
Lucas Stapper Leiden Observatory
Ivana van Leeuwen Leiden Observatory
John McKean ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Nanna Kerlauge ASTRON & Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Marta Frias Castillo Leiden Observatory
Di Wen Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Teresa Paneque-Carreno ESO & Leiden Observatory
Sander Schouws Leiden Observatory
Iris de Ruiter Anton Pannekoek Institute – UvA
Anna de Graaff Leiden Observatory
Jan Brand INAF-IRA, Italian node EU ARC
Ewine van Dishoeck Leiden Observatory
Marijn Franx Leiden Observatory
Martin Zwaan European Southern Observatory
Belen Alcalde Pampliega European Southern Observatory
Andres Felipe Ramos Padilla RUG / SRON
Serena Viti Leiden Observatory

I-TRAIN: ALMA Training Sessions

The European ARC Network is offering a series of online topical training sessions focused on the analysis of ALMA and interferometric data in general. The sessions will cover a wide range of topics of interest to the ALMA user community with the aim to help users gain expertise in working with interferometric data. Each training session will be one hour long and will include a live demo and an interactive Q&A section.

The following is a list of training sessions currently being offered. We will update this page as more sessions are offered. Click on each topic for more information about how to participate.

  1. Imaging with the ALMA Pipeline (December 4, 2020 – 11:00 CET)
  2. ALMA Science Archive update and ARI-L (December 15, 2020 – 11:00 CET)
  3. UVMultiFit: a versatile library for fitting models directly to visibility data (January 15, 2021 – 11:00 CET)


New Allegro Program Manager: Violette Impellizzeri

We are excited to announce that Violette Impellizzeri has joined Allegro as our program manager!

Violette received her PhD in 2008 at the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomie in Bonn, on the topic of “molecular tori in the core of AGN”. After her PhD, she moved as a postdoc to NRAO, in Charlottesville, to work on the Megamaser Cosmology Project. It was during this time that the ALMA telescope began construction, and as NRAO was one of the ALMA partners, she soon became excited at the idea of being part of such an important project and furthering her interferometry interests. For this reason, in 2011 she moved to the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) in Chile as a commissioning postdoc and science fellow; during commissioning she also worked on early VLBI testing, science verification, and high frequency observing techniques. In 2014, once operations began, she was hired as an operations astronomer taking on new tasks such as the Phase II Group (P2G) Lead, ‘friend of VLBI’ and Proposal Handling Team (PHT) lead. On October 1st, she joined the Allegro ARC Node in Leiden, taking on the role of Program Manager, and is very excited to be returning to Europe and connecting with the Allegro team and the ALMA scientific community in The Netherlands.

We look forward to working with Violette and wish her all the best.

Allegro Toolbox


Large Programs

Data Delegation

Simulate ALMA Observations

Useful Links for ALMA Cycle 8 Proposal Preparation

ALMA Proposal Preparation Day (online material)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The ALMA Director, along with the regional partners, have decided to delay the proposal deadline for the ALMA Cycle 8 Call for Proposals to NO EARLIER than 15 UT on 19 May, 2020. Therefore, Allegro has decided to postpone the Proposal Preparation Workshop of March 26 to a later date, approximately 3 weeks before the actual deadline (when this is decided).

For those who want to get started on their ALMA proposal still on the original schedule, we are providing a series of pre-recorded presentations:

which can be found below or on our YouTube channel.

Everyone is encouraged to e-mail Allegro with any questions that they may have after watching these presentations. We will answer all questions, either by e-mail or via an online session, and also collect Frequently Asked Questions in a constantly updated document. For your convenience, we have also created a toolbox with useful links to help you prepare your proposal.

We would like to highlight the possibility to submit Large Programs on both the main array (>50 hours) and ACA stand-alone (>150 hours). PIs who are considering a Large Program are encouraged to contact Allegro early to optimize your program and explore the many ways we can support your project.


 1. Welcome & ALMA Cycle 8 Capabilities (pdf file)

 2. Dual-Anonymous Proposal Review (pdf file)

 3. ALMA Observing Tool

Part 1/4: Introduction – download & installation (0:32), create a new proposal (3:13),
proposal information (4:50), proposal types (10:50)

Part 2/4: Science Goal Generation – general (2:30), field setup (3:30)

Part 3/4: Spectral Setup – continuum setup (1:30), spectral line setup (7:40)

Part 4/4: Calibration & Performance – synthesized beam (1:00), bandwidth for sensitivity (8:50),
technical justification (12:25), proposal summary (15:00), validation (19:30)

 4. Simulating ALMA Observations (pdf file)

Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you have questions, concerns, or need support. We would be happy to set up a remote meeting with you via a video link or other remote means.


You can register for the Proposal Preparation Day at the following link.

Name Institution
Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden Observatory
Alvaro Hacar Leiden Observatory
Andres Perez-Sanchez Leiden Observatory
Aida Ahmadi Leiden Observatory
Alex Hygate Leiden Observatory
Lizette Guzman Leiden Observatory
Christian Ginski University of Amsterdam
Umit Kavak SRON/Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Sarah K Leslie Leiden Observatory
Kimberly Emig Leiden Observatory
Pooneh Nazari Leiden Observatory
Marta Frias Castillo Leiden Observatory
Leon Trapman Leiden Observatory
Benoit Tabone Leiden Observatory
Alice Booth Leiden Observatory
Robin Mentel Leiden Observatory
Jozsef Varga Leiden Observatory
Katharina Immer JIVE
Margot Leemker Leiden Observatory
Anna Bartkiewicz Nicolaus Copernicus University
Abigail Frost KU Leuven
Daniel Harsono ASIAA
Sofia Rojas MPIA
Helga Denes ASTRON

Allegro office open remotely

Allegro is complying with Leiden Observatory guidelines and all staff is now working remotely. The Allegro team is available for user support, which can be requested by e-mail and will be conducted via a video link or other remote means.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need support!

ALMA-VLBI QA2 Workshop– Leiden Lorentz Center, 24-28 February 2020

Allegro is hosting a QA2 training workshop for phased-ALMA data acquired during VLBI observations, which will be held in Leiden (the Netherlands), on February 24-28 2020.
VLBI is an observing mode offered since Cycle 4, and the first observations were conducted in Apr 2017. The QA2 process for VLBI projects is significantly more complex than the procedure for standard projects, requiring a close loop between ARCs, JAO and VLBI correlators.
The main goal of the workshop is to train ALMA astronomers so that the QA2 work load can be distributed across different regions. The training workshop will involve hands-on work on past cycles datasets.
This workshop is restricted to the trained QA2 analysts in ALMA Regional Centers (ARCs).





Ciriaco Goddi (Chair) Allegro/Dutch ARC node
Geoff Crew Haystack/MIT
Ivan Marti-Vidal University of Valencia
Hugo Messias JAO
Stefanie Muehler German ARC node
Dirk Petry ESO
Helge Rottmann MPIfR
Registered participants:Abhijeet BorkarCzech node


European ARC nodes  
Lydia Moser German node
Rosita Paladino Italian node
Kazi Rygl Italian node
Andres Perez Allegro/Dutch node
Daniel Tafoya Nordic node
Tobia Carozzi Nordic node
Ciro Pappalardo PACE/Portuguese node
Adam Avison UK node
Anita Richards UK node
East Asia ARC  
Atsushi Miyazaki Japanese node
Jihyun Kang Korean node
Alfonso Trejo-Cruz Taiwanese node
North America ARC  
Brian Mason NRAO
Erica Keller NRAO
David Rebolledo JAO
VLBI Correlators  
Jan Wagner MPIfR
Yurii Pidopryhora MPIfR
HOTELSYou could consider staying either close to the Lorentz Center (about 2.5 km from the center), or near the railway (Leiden Centraal) station (where the center begins).
There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station to the Lorentz Center (see the links below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus).
In alternative, you can look into renting a bike for your stay. You can pick this up at the railway station, at the rear (exit towards the hospital). Bikes costs 7.50 euro per day or 37.50 for a week.Near the workshop venue:


Hilton Garden Inn (500-m to the Lorentz Center, 4-stars)
Holiday Inn (950-m to the Lorentz Center, 4-stars)
Van der Valk Hotel (1.6-km to the Lorentz Center, 4-stars)

Near the train station / center of Leiden.

Golden Tulip Leiden-centre (Central station, 4-stars)
Fletcher Wellness-Hotel (Central station, 4-stars)
Tulip Inn Leiden-centre (Central station, 3-stars)
Ibis Leiden-centre (Central station, 3-stars)

Boutique Hotel d’Oude Morsch (Near Central station, 3.5-stars)
Best Western City Hotel (Center, 3-stars)



-Directions to Leiden ObservatoryNote that this is not the old Observatory in the center of Leiden.There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station, buses 43 (direction Den Haag) or bus 57 (direction Nieuw Vennep). These take around 7 minutes. Please see the link below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus.


Instructions on how to get to Leiden Observatory, including transportation from Schiphol Airport, can be found here:
And a site map can be found here:


The venue of the workshop is the Snellius building of the Lorentz Center. The Leiden Observatory and Allegro offices are located on the 4-5th and 11th floor, respectively, of The Huygens building (in front and to the right with respect to the Snellius building).

-Directions inside the building:


  • Room TBD on the 2nd floor of the Snellius building:
    At the entrance of the building there is a reception were they can provide you with directions.

Netherlands ALMA Science Day — 22 November 2019.

Allegro is organizing an ALMA Science Day on Friday November 22, 2019, at Leiden Observatory.

Allegro organizes this meeting for the Netherlands ALMA community to share their exciting new science, hear the latest news from the telescope, and discuss user experiences and ALMA-related topics.

  • Program
  • Participants

  • Directions



    The third edition of the Netherlands ALMA Science day will be held in the 2nd floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL-226. We will start the program at 11:30 am with lunch. All the registered participants are invited to join us. We will offer sandwiches and fruits for the registered participants. Then, the science talks will start at 12:30. The first afternoon block of talks will finish with the presentation by this year’s invited speaker Dr. M. Zwaan (ESO). Our program is full of exciting topics including results from high-redshift studies, as well as studies of dust and molecular gas in proto-planetary disks. During the second block of talks, we will have a presentation by Dr. C. Goddi (Allegro) on the results of the Event Horizon Telescope!
    We will finish the day with a Borrel at the 11th floor, next to the Allegro offices. We look forward to seeing you!

    Follow this link to see the Program.

    Registered participants: (Last update 13-11-2019)

    Michiel Hogerheijde Leiden Observatory
    Jim Morrison University of Groningen
    Rudolf Le Poole Leiden Observatory
    Dazhi Zhou Leiden Observatory
    Shota Notsu Leiden Observatory, Leiden University
    Zhenlin Zhu SRON/Leiden University
    Prof. Harry van der Laan Leiden Observatory, ASTRON, ESO
    Ruslan Brilenkov Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen
    Yuan Chen Leiden Observatory
    Gerard Pujol Hernandez API
    Margot Leemker Leiden University
    Huub Rottgering Leiden Observatory
    Marta Frias Castillo Leiden Observatory
    Alvaro Hacar Leiden Observatory
    Rychard Bouwens Leiden University
    Ewine van Dishoeck STRW-UL
    Stefan van der Giessen Leiden University
    Leon Trapman Leiden Observatory
    Gleb Fedoseev Laboratory for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory
    Huib Intema ICRAR – Curtin University
    Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga Leiden Observatory
    Kirsty Butler Sterrewacht Leiden
    Schuyler Wolff Leiden Observatory
    Sander Schouws Leiden University
    Leindert Boogaard Leiden Observatory
    Robin Mentel Leiden Observatory
    Lukasz Tychoniec Leiden Observatory
    Jozsef Varga Leiden Observatory
    Tabone Leiden University
    Yijun Wang University of Science and Technology of China & Leiden Observatory
    Andrew Barr Leiden Observatory
    Matthew Kenworthy Leiden Observatory
    Alexandru-Daniel Taun University of Groningen
    Vincent Icke Leiden University
    Violeta Gámez Rosas Leiden University
    Pengyu Liu Leiden University
    MARIANNA PATATOUKOU Leiden University
    Martijn van Gelder Leiden Observatory
    Micha Heilman Leiden University
    Pooneh Nazari Leiden University

    -Directions to Leiden Observatory

    Note that this is not the old Observatory in the center of Leiden.

    There are regular buses from the Leiden Centraal station, buses 43 (direction Den Haag) or bus 57 (direction Nieuw Vennep). These take around 7 minutes. Please see the link below for more specific details if you will be coming by bus.

    Instructions on how to get to Leiden Observatory, including transportation from Schiphol Airport, can be found here:
    And a site map can be found here:


    Note these specify the route to the Lorentz Center, which is in the forward leaning building in the photo. The event will be held in the joining taller building – The Huygens building. Leiden Observatory and Allegro offices are located on the 4-5th and 11th floor of that same building, respectively.

    -Directions inside the building:

    • HL-226 on the 2nd floor of the Huygens building:

    At the entrance of the building there is a reception were they can provide you with directions.
    The afternoon session will be held on the 2nd floor of the Huygens Building (HL), room HL-226.
    The borrel will be held on the 11th floor of the Huygens Building (HL), next to the Allegro offices (HL-11.22).

Calibrated MS

From now on, with all ALMA data delivery that you receive, you have the possibility to request its calibrated measurement set (MS).
This has to be done within a week of the data delivery date via the ALMA HelpDesk.

For data that has already been delivered, Allegro can generate the MS for you, for this email us at