Entries by Allegro

EAS2020 – Special Session Nr. 13: Eight years of ALMA ground-breaking results.

We would like to bring to your attention the special session ‘Eight years of ALMA ground-breaking results: A joint venture between the ALMA user community and the ALMA Regional Centres‘ that is organised as part of the yearly meeting of the European Astronomical Society. The conference will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, on June […]

Conference:Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA

There is an open call for applications to the conference “Resolving the Extragalactic Universe with ALMA” to be held November 9-13, 2020, focused on the latest scientific results on the high-redshift universe with the ALMA telescope. The primary scientific themes are: • High-z galaxies and quasars, the epoch of reionization. • High-spatial resolution studies: Galaxy […]

Requesting calibrated data in Europe

from 1 October 2019 onwards By popular demand, the EU ARC has implemented a service which permits ALMA users to request the calibrated data for a given dataset (Member Obs Unit Set, MOUS) to be made available for download. The service is open both for ALMA PIs or Delegees with proprietary ALMA data and for […]

Netherlands ALMA Science Day — 22 November 2019.

Allegro is organizing an ALMA Science Day on Friday November 22, 2019, at Leiden Observatory. Allegro organizes this meeting for the Netherlands ALMA community to share their exciting new science, hear the latest news from the telescope, and discuss user experiences and ALMA-related topics. Program Participants Directions Directions to Leiden Observatory Directions inside the building […]

ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) is now accepting observing proposals for Cycle 7 that request to use the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) in stand-alone mode. Instructions on how to submit proposals can be found on the Cycle 7 Supplemental Call web page. Users of any nationality or affiliation are invited to submit proposals before the […]

ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals Pre-announcement

The Cycle 7 Supplemental Call for Proposals is anticipated to open at 15:00 UT on September 3 with a proposal deadline of 15:00 UT on October 1. ALMA expects to allocate approximately 2500 h of observing time on the ACA in the Supplemental Call. Preliminary information is currently available here. Complete details of the Supplemental […]

Cycle 7 Call for Proposals

The ALMA Director, on behalf of the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the partner organisations in East Asia, Europe, and North America, is pleased to announce the ALMA Cycle 7 Call for Proposals (CfP) for scientific observations to be scheduled from October 2019 to September 2020. It is anticipated that 4300 hours of the 12-m […]

Proposal Preparation Day – March 28th, 2019

Prior to the deadline for the ALMA Cycle 7 proposal submission (April 17th), Allegro will host a Proposal Preparation Day. Bring in your proposals and we will assist you with the technical aspects and help you in exploring their feasibility, while you work on it during that day. Allegro staff will be there to provide […]

The black hole at the heart of our Galaxy

Including the powerful ALMA into an array of telescopes for the first time, astronomers have found that the emission from the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the center of our Galaxy comes from a smaller region than previously thought. This may indicate that a radio jet from Sgr A* is pointed almost […]