Entries by Allegro

ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit

It is our pleasure to announce the release of ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit! ALminer is a novel Python-based code that enables users to efficiently query, analyse, and visualize the ALMA Science Archive. Users can programmatically query the archive for positions, target names, or any other keywords in the archive metadata (e.g. proposal […]

ALMA Proposal Preparation Day 2021

The ALMA Cycle 8 2021 Call for Proposals is now open with a submission deadline on April 21, 2021.  The Allegro ARC Node would like to invite you to attend a proposal preparation workshop. The aim of this workshop is to assist you in making the most out of ALMA’s new capabilities, getting an overview […]

ALMA Data Reduction Training Day: January 26, 2021

Following the 4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day, we are organizing an ALMA Data Reduction Training Day on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, hosted online over Zoom. The training will begin at 10 AM and continue into the afternoon with a one-hour lunch break. Topics covered are: how to go from the archive to obtaining calibrated visibilities, […]

4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day: January 25, 2021

Allegro announces the 4th Netherlands ALMA Science Day, which will be held (online) on Monday, January 25, 2021. At this meeting, we will hear presentations of the latest scientific results obtained with ALMA by the Netherlands astronomical community. Special guest speakers include Rychard Bouwens (Leiden Observatory, on the REBELS Large Program), and Leen Decin (Leuven, […]

I-TRAIN: ALMA Training Sessions

The European ARC Network is offering a series of online topical training sessions focused on the analysis of ALMA and interferometric data in general. The sessions will cover a wide range of topics of interest to the ALMA user community with the aim to help users gain expertise in working with interferometric data. Each training […]

New Allegro Program Manager: Violette Impellizzeri

We are excited to announce that Violette Impellizzeri has joined Allegro as our program manager! Violette received her PhD in 2008 at the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomie in Bonn, on the topic of “molecular tori in the core of AGN”. After her PhD, she moved as a postdoc to NRAO, in Charlottesville, to work […]

European ALMA Regional Centre Community Assembly

The European ALMA Regional Centre invites all European ALMA users to a short virtual community assembly on October 8 at 10:00 CEST. After a long period of suspended science observing, there is now a path towards getting back on sky and collecting science data with ALMA again. At this community meeting, we will update you […]

ALMA starts the process of recovering the telescope array

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, almost the whole ALMA site has been shut down for the past six months. With the improving pandemic situation in Chile, ALMA is now scheduled to begin the long process of recovering the telescope array on October 1st, 2020. The road to recovery of operations, and ultimately science observations […]

Status update for the ALMA telescope

Dear colleagues, The COVID-19 pandemic still continues to impact our lives in many ways around the world. The situation in Chile has slightly improved in the Santiago area but not yet improved in the northern area where the ALMA telescope is located. ALMA operations thus remain suspended and the timeline of resuming observations unfortunately remains […]