Entries by Allegro

Netherlands ALMA+JWST Joint Science Day

Allegro is pleased to announce the first ALMA+JWST Joint Science Day, which will take place on January 30th, 2024, at Kapteyn Astronomical Institute (Room 161 on the 1st floor) in Groningen. We would like to invite all members of our communities to present your latest scientific results obtained with ALMA and/or JWST. A particular emphasis […]

ALMA Cycle 10 Statistics

The ALMA cycle 10 proposal submission statistics again saw some new records. The number of overall submitted proposals for all arrays was 1679 – with 91 as ACA stand-alone projects and 44 large programs (compared to 40 large programs in Cycle 9).  Even though the total number of submitted proposals is lower than for the […]

Lorentz Workshop: Tuning to the high frequency ALMA Universe

In the week of September 4-8, an ALMA-dedicated workshop will take place at the Lorentz Center in Leiden.  The workshop aims at gathering the ALMA community to discuss and further develop the unique science that can be achieved at the highest frequencies offered (Bands 8, 9, and 10).  ALMA is the only ground-based interferometer that […]

New Allegro computing hardware

Allegro has purchased a new set of more powerful computing servers and a new disk server with a larger amount of storage space, in order to provide enhanced computing services for our user community. We will have five new computing servers available to our user community for the processing and analysis of their ALMA data. […]

Science Highlight: All quiet at z=4.5

Standard galaxy formation models expect that young galaxies should be highly turbulent and kinematically chaotic, as a result of violent gas accretion and frequent mergers. Observations appear to tell a very different story. In this paper, Roman-Oliveira (Kapteyn Institute), Fraternali and Rizzo (2023, MNRAS 521, 1045) show archival ALMA data of the [C II] 158 […]

First fringes for the ALMA Band-2 pre-production receivers

Over the next few years, ALMA will open up the 2.6-4.5 mm wavelength range for scientific observations with its slew of newly developed Band 2 receivers. The first three Band-2 ‘pre-production’ receivers were recently installed at ALMA, developed and built by the NOVA submillimeter group at the University of Groningen together with GARD/Chalmers University, Sweden, […]

Postdoctoral Support Position at Allegro

Allegro, the Netherlands node of the European ALMA Regional Centre (ARC) at Leiden Observatory, invites applications for one or more postdoctoral support position(s). The position offers the opportunity for research at one of the major centres of astronomy in the Netherlands as well as an in-depth involvement in the development and operations of ALMA. In […]

ALMA Proposal Preparation Day 2023

The Allegro ALMA Regional Centre node is organising a proposal preparation workshop on Thursday the 20th of April 2023 in advance of the upcoming ALMA proposal deadline (expected to be the 10th of May 2023). We would like to invite you to attend online or in person at Leiden Observatory. The workshop will have two […]