Entries by Allegro

European ALMA School

In June the European ALMA regional center organised the first European ALMA school, hosted by the UK regional node in Manchester. The school was a full week of lectures and hands-on activities related to interferometry, and ALMA specifically. Topics ranged from calibration techniques, to the specifics of the products that ALMA delivers, to an overview […]

CASA Training Event

Allegro will host a training event on 23 October introducing the software packages that are commonly used to work with ALMA data: CASA and CARTA. We will briefly introduce ALMA and Allegro, and start looking at ALMA data using these software packages. The aim of the workshop is to get researchers started using ALMA data, […]

Recap on joint ALMA+JWST Science day in Groningen, January 2024

On January 30, 2024, Allegro – in collaboration with JWST colleagues – organized its first Netherlands JWST-Allegro Science Day at Kapteyn Institute, in Groningen. The Joint Science Day was inspired by the recent introduction of “Joint Proposals” at ALMA and other major observatories and was aimed to inspire collaborations while highlighting already existing scientific synergies. […]

New Staff & Farewell

Allegro’s newest member is Dr. Megan Lewis who joined in February as a postdoc. Megan received her Bachelor’s degree from Vassar College and her Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of New Mexico in the US. While in New Mexico she was also a Reber predoctoral fellow with the NRAO. She then joined the […]

Science Highlight: Even Better Together

Using observations of both JWST and ALMA, van Gelder et al. 2024 (2024, A&A 682, A78) unlock the secrets behind the emission of SO2 from the young protostars NGC 1333 IRAS 2A. This sulfurous compound signals evaporating ices but can also be released in accretion shocks where material enters the planet-forming disk. By combining the […]

Moving to the New Building

Allegro, along with the rest of the Leiden Observatory offices, will be moving to the new Gorlaeus building at the end of March. The move will cause the Allegro staff and desktop computing resources to be offline for a few days. We will also use this time to transition our computing nodes to a new […]