Entries by Allegro

ALMA Proposal Preparation Day 2016

Announcement from the Italian Node
In preparation to the ALMA Cycle 4 proposal submission deadline of April 21st, the Italian node of the European ARC is organizing an “ALMA proposal preparation day” to support the ALMA users to prepare their proposals.
This meeting will be held at the INAF-Osservatorio di Radioastronomia, Bologna, on the 11-12th of April.

Call for Proposals for APEX/SEPIA Band 9

A new Band 9 receiver was installed inside the Swedish ESO PI receiver for Apex (SEPIA) at APEX in early February. This receiver, built by NOVA, is a copy of the ALMA Band 9 receiver, and covers frequencies from 600 to 722 GHz.

Conference Announcement: Half a Decade of ALMA

This international four-day (September 20 – 23, 2016) conference will highlight ALMA results at the threshold of the array’s fifth year of science operations and bring together researchers from around the world to motivate collaborations for ALMA Cycle 5.

German ALMA Community Days 2016

Announcement from the German Node
To prepare the local astronomical community for Cycle 4, the German ARC node organizes the German ALMA Community Days 2016 at the Argelander-Institut für Astronomie in Bonn on 6-8 April 2016.

New ALMA Science Verification Data

A new installment of Science Verification data is available. This release contains data on the following Science Verification target: IRAS16293-2422 spectral line observations in Band 4 (CH3CN, CH3OH) with the 12-m Array, demonstrating the Band 4 capability.

Radio Interferometry: Methods and Science

Announcement from the German Node
The course “Radio Interferometry: Methods and Science”, held in English at the university of Bonn in April-July 2016, offers a hands-on overview of major aspects of radio/mm/submm interferometry for master students, PhD students and senior astronomers.