Entries by Allegro

ALMA Cycle 5 Pre-announcement

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 5) in October 2017. A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 5 will be issued in March 2017, with a deadline for proposal submission in April 2017. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 5 proposal call that are needed […]

ALMA Cycle 1 & 2 Summary Report

A detailed report on ALMA Cycles 1 & 2 is now available. The report details observing and completion statistics, data reduction and delivery, and publication statistics. The document is available as PDF and can be downloaded via the ALMA Science Portal.

ALMA Band 5 Science Verification data release

A new installment of ALMA Science Verification data is available. This release contains data on the following Science Verification targets: • Arp 220 spectral line observations in Band 5 (H2O, CS, HNC) with the 12-m Array • SgrB2(N) spectral scan observations across most of the Band 5 tuning range with an hybrid 12m-7m array • […]

Black Hole Fed by Cold Intergalactic Deluge

An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has witnessed a cosmic weather event that has never been seen before — a cluster of towering intergalactic gas clouds raining in on the supermassive black hole at the centre of a huge galaxy one billion light-years from Earth.